Affiliation is open to the World for 2020 Funakoshi Karate
Affiliation is NOW OPEN to the entire world.
All affiliates that join from Sept 2019 till Dec 2019 will have their 2020 affilate membership renewed at NO CHARGE. I want to have affilation membership on a calendar year cycle.
2020 looks like a huge year for Funakoshi Karate/FSKA-World. My goal is to support all affiliates,counties and Shotokan Karate as a whole.
Feel free to communicate any ideas or needs.
Whatsapp +1 2817663327
Needs for 2020.
STRONG Leaders in each Country.
Strong Hosts (Inquire about hosting a 2020 Championship in your country )
2020 Funakoshi Karate World Championship tournament
2020 Funakoshi Karate European Championships
2020 Funakoshi Karate All Asian Championships

I have interest to going in your organization. Then I have attant you traning camp. Then I will take the affiliation ND contribute in my country. Plz give a permission ND I waiting for your confirmation.
Gautam nayak
Ad. 46/36 m d road dumdum
Can’t kolkata. 700028 (India) north 24 paragsnas.
Ph…08981621115 also
WhatsApp. Thank you
Funakoshi Karate/ FSKA-World OPEN Affiliation starts today (Gichin Funakoshi Birthday)
Affiliation Application and general information.
Free to Apply.
*Upon acceptance. FIrst Year Affiliation is $125 and renew after is $100.
I like to take affiliation from fska all ready l inform sensei I’m waiting for the senseis replay thank U Oss
Funakoshi Karate/ FSKA-World OPEN Affiliation starts today (Gichin Funakoshi Birthday)
Affiliation Application and general information.
Free to Apply.
*Upon acceptance. FIrst Year Affiliation is $125 and renew after is $100.
Dear Sir i am interested FSKA i need information about the Country membership and training sessions/tournaments ana Events details 2020
2020 Affiliation Form
email to: or fskahouston@gmail if you DO NOT GET a reply in 7 days.
Affiliation “Manual” Form for those having trouble accessing the Google Document form. Email application to
FSKA-World Affiliation Application
*FSKA-World affiliates head instructors with their dojos. All black belt students training at your dojo will fall under your affiliation. If you have students that have their own dojos, they will need to apply for affiliation for their dojos should they choose to do so.
Please answer the following questions as completely as possible:
* Required
1) Email address *
2) Name of Applicant: *
3) Shotokan Rank: *
4) Date of last rank mm/dd/yyyy: *
5) Age: *
6) Dojo Name *
7) Street Address: *
City/State/Province: *
Country: *
Postal/Zip Code: *
8) is your preferred mailing address different than your dojo address? *
9) Name addressed on postage: (your name most likely)
Street address:
Postal/Zip Code
10) Dojo phone number:
11) Cell/Mobile phone number:
12) Website:
13) Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
14) How many dojos/programs do you personally operate? *
15) How many students do you have currently training? *
16) Do you teach karate full-time, or part-time? *
Full time
Part time
17) List your other occupation if you have one. If you have no other occupation, put “N/A.” *
18) How many years have you actively trained in martial arts? *
19) Please list the styles you have trained in, along with the number of years you trained in each style: *
20) Name your past instructors *
21) List past and/or current affiliations along with the number of years you were involved with them (ex.: JKA 22yrs) *
22) List any special training or awards you would like us to consider.
23) Upload photo of you in your gi:
24) Upload a pic of your current rank certificate:
25) How far is your dojo from the nearest international airport?
Funakoshi Sensei
I am from Malaysia, interested to be affiliated to FSKA. Please advise me, Sir. Thank you.
Potential Affiliates email information to: c/o Wade Jenkins FSKA-World USA
Other FSKA-World matters email :